We all make mistakes, and sugar is one of them! Sugar negatively effects us both physically and mentally, especially when we binge it. Going into the holidays, sugar is all around us. It is even easier to binge on sugar when all your friends and family seem to be consuming it too. If you find yourself on a sugar binge, there are a few things to help you get back into routine and break the habit.
Get Out Of Your Head
The most important thing to remember is to not beat yourself up. It’s not worth it. Life is a marathon, not a race. Get back in the game and learn to get better!
Lift More Weights
Did you know doctors even recommend weight training to help control diabetes? Glucose is sugar in the bloodstream, and glycogen is the form of sugar that’s stored in the liver and the muscles. Weight training is one of the best ways to burn through excess glucose and glycogen.
Even if you don’t have diabetes, weight training can help metabolize that excess sugar before it has the chance to do much damage. Not to mention how it can reduce stress and help you forget about your binge.
Focus On Your Next Meals
Next time you eat, what can you give your body that will help you feel full and satisfied? Your meals should keep you full and stop you from giving in to temptations. Try to eat slower and enjoy your meals more. Focus on how good the healthier food makes you feel and remember how bad you felt during your sugar binge.
Drink Water
Hydration can help you get back to feeling like yourself and drinking water can help your body stay feeling full. A lot of times we think we are hungry when our body really just needs water. Give your body a big drink and notice how you feel.
Remove Sugar From Your Kitchen
If you are someone who can portion control, GREAT! If not, it's time to keep sugar out.
A healthier kitchen can lead to a healthier mindset. A healthier mindset can lead to a more active lifestyle. A more active lifestyle can lead to a better nourished life!