Tips For A Better Detox!
It's never too late to take control of your weight, and a successful detox is a great place to start! Your intake of sugar and other rich foods probably leave you feeling stiff. When people think of detoxing or cleansing, they think of sipping weird waters and chugging tasteless smoothies... or starving. There’s a better way to detox!
To detox is to rid the body of toxic or unhealthy substances. You can achieve this by abstaining or ceasing consumption of harmful substances or foods that cause inflammation, but often times that's where people stop. You can replace your food consumption with quality options that will help you with a healthy detox process.
The goal of detoxing the body is to flush the liver, kidneys, and the digestive system. Our bodies are amazing and tough, healing itself when its fed the right things to help it perform at it's best. Below are a few tips you should add to your detox routine that help you detox in a safe way.
+ Plant-Based Meals: Eating whole foods or minimally processed foods feeds your body the most natural foods you can. Focus on fruits, veggies, nuts, seds, etc. Not only are these foods natural and filling, they are also full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Your body will respond beautifully and you may notice a substantial increase in energy!
+ Sugar-Detox: Eliminating or reducing sugar is a worthwhile and sustainable way to detox. Sugar is addicting and unfortunately, it seems to be hiding everywhere! You may even notice a sharper mind and better focus when you are free from sugar.
+ Sleep: Your brain needs a detox too, and that is where sleep comes in. Try for 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Your body does it's best healing while you sleep!
+ Drink the Good Stuff: Try adding turmeric, cayenne, ginger, nutmeg, or mint for added health benefits and a fun twist to your typical smoothie. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water each day!
+ Sweat: Our bodies were made to move, and that's just what you should do! Exercise is not always the most fun, but there are ways you can try to make it more enjoyable like going with a friend or starting a sport. Stretch more, move more, drink plenty of water, and detox in a healthy way.
If you're looking for a quick fix, you will be looking for a lifetime, however if you add healthy behaviors to your day, in just a few weeks you may see dramatic results that you can be proud of.