Winter Is Coming: Is Your Immune System Prepared?
50%. The CDC estimates that the flu shot will only be 50% effective against this years flu strains or other respiratory illnesses. With cold weather coming, nobody can truly predict how viruses will mutate for the sick season. We want to share with you some great ways to give yourself better than a 50% chance at staying healthy this winter!
How can you tell if you are deficient in Vitamin D? As a society, we don't get as much sun exposure as we used to. If you live a busy lifestyle, vitamin D supplementation should be at the top of your list! You may be deficient if:
- Dark skin- skin pigment acts as a sunscreen. The more pigment, the longer you need to spend in the sun or supplement with Vitamin D.
- Depression- Vitamin D receptors are found in the parts of the brain that are linked to the development of depression. Low levels increase the likelihood of feeling blue.
- 50 or older- your body is less efficient in producing Vitamin D.
- Overweight or obese- Vitamin D is fat-soluble, so you’ll need more than others.
- Head sweats, achy bone, gut trouble- all evident as Vitamin D is deficient.
- FLU- if you feel the flu coming on… it is likely you are deficient!
Vitamin D, known as the Sunshine Vitamin, is vital to a healthy immune system. Here are just a few things Vitamin D helps your body do every day:
- Needed to fight off invading bacteria and viruses
- Found in cells throughout the body
- Fights the flu effectively
- End of winter, people tend to test low on Vitamin D (University of Maine Study) so food & supplements may be required to maintain healthy level
Vitamin D Sources:
- Raw Milk
- Beef Liver
- Fish
- Egg Yolk
- Bevko Vitamins!
Vitamin C To The Rescue
All of our Vitamin C products are buffered with minerals to make them non-acidic and extremely well tolerated. Our Vitamin C Tablets are buffered with Calcium and Magnesium. Vitamin C has a critical role in many functions of the body because it:
acts as an antioxidant*
detoxifies free radicals*
strengthens the immune system*
reduces the risk of a number of diseases*
helps form energy*
helps heal wounds and bones*
helps reduce high blood pressure*
repairs collagen, the base substance for supporting bodily structures like tendons*
helps form neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine*
contributes to red blood cell production in bone marrow*
Quercetin Is No Longer A Secret
Quercetin Forte contains a blend of potent bioflavonoids, substances present in fruits and vegetables that give the plant antioxidant protection. Quercetin Forte capsules contain three potent flavonoids: quercetin, anthocyanins (from bilberry), and rutin, and the tablets contain quercetin along with proanthocyanins (from grapeseed extract). Quercetin has many beneficial effects:
helps with circulation by strengthening capillaries*
helps reduce the risk of heart disease*
may also reduce the risk of cancer by blocking the flow of nutrients to cancerous cells*
is an anti-inflammatory because it reduces the formation of histamine and other inflammatory products caused by allergic reactions*
helps treat allergies by blocking histamine secretion in the body*
has anti-viral effects against several viruses, including Herpes 1 (the cause of cold sores)*
may help reduce cataract formation*
may inhibit the formation of tumors*
Zinc Is Here To Stay
Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a major role in growth, reproduction, antioxidant defenses, and healthy immune function. The normal, healthy development of immune cells, particularly T-lymphocytes depends upon adequate zinc status. Zinc deficiency has been shown to reduce the physical size of the thymus gland; it is here where T cells mature to become fully functional mature T-lymphocytes. These cells are critical for a healthy immune response. Zinc benefits:
• Regulate immune function
• May help relieve diarrhea
• May help regulate how neurons communicate with one another, affecting how memories are formed and how we learn
• Plays a role in maintaining skin integrity and structure
• May help shorten the duration of a common cold