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Bevko Meal Plan 2021

By Bevko Vitamins September 27, 2021

This food plan eliminates many critical food sources for inflammation and allergies including gluten, dairy, grains, meats, and nightshades. When these foods are eliminated the body can begin to heal and joint pain, headaches, abdominal bloating and pain, sinus congestion, and fatigue all melt away.

Here are some of the reasons why certain foods are omitted from this food plan:

  1. Gluten- Individuals who are sensitive to gluten can develop diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, indigestion, bloating, fatigue, brain fog, anemia, joint pain, rashes, depression and anxiety when they come in contact with this grain protein. 
  2. Dairy- Dairy is very allergenic and can create inflammation. Dairy also worsens anxiety and depression in susceptible individuals. 
  3. Grains- Grains can be very difficult to digest therefore promoting the growth of bad bacteria and yeast in the gastrointestinal system. This will result in gas, bloating, and other digestive issues.
  4. Meats- Meats can also be very difficult to digest and undigested meat will putrefy in the gastrointestinal system and create inflammation.
  5. Nightshades- This family of food has been linked to arthritis and joint pain and includes white potato, tomato, eggplant, paprika, and all peppers except black pepper.


This food plan is successful because it focuses on eating plenty of low-carb vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. Low-carb vegetables are satisfying and they keep you feeling full throughout the day. Beans are an excellent food choice because they provide a large amount of fiber and they help stabilize your blood sugars. One cup of beans also provides 15 grams of protein and 41 grams of carbohydrates for only 220 of your daily calories. Studies have also shown that 1 cup of beans per day helps diabetics decreases their Hemoglobin A1C by a full percentage point. Nuts and seeds provide your daily intake of healthy fats in addition to large amounts of protein and fiber.

Simple suggestions for cooking beans from scratch:

1)     Select one new bean variety you would like to try. Garbanzo or cannellini beans are a great place to start since they are readily available, much more delicious fresh than canned and very versatile.

2)     Schedule a time when you know you will be home for a couple of hours to do your cooking

3)     The day prior, soak your beans in enough water to cover them by a least 3-4”

4)     Times can vary for cooking different variety beans. Start with the package instructions

5)     Once beans are cooked and ready to eat, store extra beans covered in their cooking water in the fridge for up to 4 days or 2-3 months frozen.


For perfectly cooked beans: simmer instead of boiling rapidly. Optional is adding ½-1 teaspoon sea salt and 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice to beans after they begin to tenderize during cooking, about 45 minutes. Another option is to add a strip of kombu seaweed while cooking your beans to add extra minerals to the beans and cooking water.

For easy weekly menu planning: Cook enough beans to serve for several meals during the week, then freeze the rest in serving-sized glass containers.

Be creative: Use any bean and make into a dip by processing beans in a food processor, adding spices with a small amount of olive oil.


In the following pages of this food plan are 2 weeks of recipes to help jump-start your path to recovery. Think of these recipes not as firm instructions but as a way to inspire you to eat healthier. If one day you do not feel like cooking, then use these basic principles to keep you on track-

1)      Eat a very large salad every day – (especially at supper) with beans or nuts or 1/2 cup of berries.


2)      Things to put on salad- beans, nuts, olives, onions, carrots, celery, cucumber, avocado, artichoke, cabbages, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.  


3)      Sauté organic vegetables in pan with a can or box of organic beans- Can use a variety of organic vegetables, beans, and seasonings to create a satisfying and tasty entrée.


4)      Can make a blender drink of vegetables and beans- Combination of any of the following: carrots, parsnip, celery, broccoli, avocado, green beans, squash, cucumber, greens, and asparagus with a can of rinsed beans. Can add garlic powder, sea salt, fresh cilantro or parsley, or other seasonings.  Instead of beans can use pea protein, rice protein, or hemp protein powder (would rotate these).


5)      Healthy Snacks- Can have hummus with baby carrots, celery sticks or other vegetables. Also can have a handful of raw organic nuts or seeds.







                Another principle that can be incorporated into this food plan is a once a week, liquids-only day. This allows the intestines to periodically rest and recover. When doing a liquids-only day it is important to drink frequently in order to feel satisfied and full. Starting with 8 ounces each hour is a good place to start and then can be adjusted as needed.  Examples of nutrient packed liquids include-

      1) Miso Broth- This is fermented product of soy that is easily digested.

      2) Ginger Tea- Steep fresh ginger in a pot of hot water for 10 minutes.

      3) Vegetable Juice- Use a food juicer and a variety of organic fresh vegetables to create a nutrient packed drink. Vegetable juices typically contain 60-90% carrot juice in combination with parsley, celery, spinach, cucumber, cilantro, cabbage, leafy vegetables, etc.

      4) Vegetable Broth-Simmer organic vegetables, legumes, and beans in a pot for several hours. Add seasonings to taste and strain out vegetables.

      5) Fruit smoothies- Blend organic fruit with water, unsweetened almond milk, or unsweetened coconut milk.

      6) Herbal Teas- Steep organic herbal teas alone or with a squeeze of citrus juice.

      7) Vegetable smoothies- Blend organic vegetables with water, unsweetened almond milk, or unsweetened coconut milk. A recipe designed to reduce inflammation in the GI system:

                1 Bok Choy or Napa Cabbage

                1 small jalapeno pepper (do not use if  avoiding nightshades)

                2 cuccumbers

                1 lemon

                3 apples

                1 inch fresh ginger root

                Small amount water/ice if desired











When building a meat meal or vegetarian meal use these visuals to create an optimal ratio of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber.

Vegetarian Meal






Day 1




Fruit and Nut Breakfast Bowl

1/2 cup fresh or frozen raspberries

1/2 cup (or more) raw walnuts, crushed

1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds

1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

Makes 1-2 servings.

Pour coconut milk over berries in bowl; toss with nuts and seeds. Enjoy!


Strawberry Coconut Cashew Protein Bites





3 scoops Hemp protein powder

5 large strawberries

½ cup cashew nut butter

¼ cup coconut butter

1 cup shredded coconut

  teaspoon unrefined sea salt

liquid Stevia to taste (optional)


Makes 24 protein bites.

Process everything except cup of of the shredded coconut. Roll into small balls, then roll the balls in the shredded coconut.

Store balls in an air tight container in the freezer for up to two weeks


Breakfast Porridge




2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded or flaked coconut

3 tablespoons raw pumpkin seeds

3 tablespoons raw walnuts (about 6 walnuts)

½ teaspoon nutmeg

½-¾ cup very hot water

7-10 drops plain liquid stevia

2-4 tablespoons coconut milk, to your taste

½ cup fresh raspberries

Makes one serving.

In a coffee grinder, grind the coconut, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and nutmeg. 

Transfer to a bowl and cover with water.  Let sit for a few minutes to thicken.

Add stevia, coconut milk and raspberries and stir well.

Note: you can make a large batch of this cereal in advance and store it in single servings in the freezer so it’s ready to go when you need it: defrost overnight in the refrigerator and enjoy!


and Coconut Pancakes








1 egg (OR Flax egg 1 T of ground flax to 3 T of water)

3 tablespoons coconut milk,
full-fat, unsweetened

6 tablespoons cooked pumpkin puree
(can substitute acorn squash, sweet potato or butternut)

1 teaspoon fresh squeezed orange juice

1½ tablespoons coconut flour

½ teaspoon nutmeg

½ teaspoon ground ginger

¼ teaspoon cloves

¼ teaspoon baking soda

pinch of unrefined sea salt

liquid stevia to taste

unrefined coconut oil for cooking

Makes 12 pancakes (3 inches in diameter)

Whisk egg, coconut milk, pumpkin puree, and fresh squeezed orange juice, and stevia together until well combined.

In separate bowl, mix together the dry ingredients.

Heat coconut oil over medium heat.

Whisk together the dry and wet ingredients just before cooking.

Add batter to pan, 2 tablespoons for each pancake.

As soon as bubbles form on the surface (about 1½ minutes) flip and cook for another 30 seconds or so.

Repeat until done.

Berry Smoothie


1 cup coconut milk, unsweetened

½ cup raspberries

1½ handful green leaf lettuce

½ tablespoon hemp powder

5 walnuts

Makes one serving.

Put everything in a high-powered blender and blend.


Lunch and Dinner


Red Lentil Soup



2 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil

3 medium leeks, finely chopped

1¼ teaspoons unrefined sea salt

(1) 1-2 inch piece peeled fresh ginger,

5 cups vegetable broth or water

¾ teaspoon ground turmeric

1 cup red lentils, picked over and rinsed

3 medium parsnips, quartered lengthwise, then cut crosswise into ½-inch pieces

1 cup frozen green peas (not thawed)

½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped

Serves 5-6. Heat oil in a 4- to 5-quart heavy pot over moderate heat until hot but not smoking, then cook leeks with ¼ teaspoon salt, stirring occasionally

Meanwhile, purée ginger and 1/3 cup water in a blender. Add purée to leeks and cook, stirring, until water is evaporated, about 5 minutes.

Add turmeric and cook over low heat, stirring, 1 minute. Stir in lentils and 5 cups water and simmer, covered, stirring occasionally, 30 minutes.

Add parsnips and remaining teaspoon salt and simmer, covered, stirring occasionally, until parsnips are tender and lentils have broken down into a coarse purée, 15 to 20 minutes.

Add green peas and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until peas are tender, about 3 minutes. If necessary, add enough water to thin stew.

Stir in cilantro and season stew with sea salt.


Curried Pumpkin
Lentil Burgers

1 cup dried lentils, (2 cups cooked), divided

8 ounce whole button mushrooms, sliced

1 cup raw pumpkin seeds, divided

1 tablespoon 100% pea protein powder

½ teaspoon ground turmeric

½ teaspoon ground ginger

½ teaspoon ground coriander

¼  teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon unrefined sea salt

½ cup pumpkin puree, homemade or canned

½ cup cilantro, chopped

1 teaspoon coconut oil


Makes 6 burgers (3 inches wide).

Cook lentils in 5 cups water for 25 minutes. Drain the liquid from the lentils after cooking.

Pan sauté the mushrooms in water until done, about 4 minutes. Drain, cool, and roughly chop.

In a food processor, process until finely ground a ½ cup of the raw pumpkin seeds, pea protein powder, spices, baking powder, and sea salt. Then put in a large bowl.

Add 1 cup cooked lentils, pumpkin puree, whole pumpkin seeds, and cilantro into the processor and pulse a couple times. Don’t over process, as you want your burgers to be a little chunky.

Transfer this mixture to the large bowl. Add the other 1 cup lentils. Stir all ingredients together and form into patties. Uncooked patties can be stored in a glass container between pieces of waxed paper in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Place patties on a coconut oil greased glass pan and bake at 350°F, 20 minutes each side.


Squash, Peas, and Cannellini Bean Salad

2 small yellow summer squashes

2 cups green peas

1½ cups cannellini beans, rinsed and drained

2 leeks, thinly sliced

¼ cup minced fresh cilantro, or more, to taste

1-2 tablespoons coconut oil

juice of ½ orange

2-3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

unrefined sea salt

½ teaspoon thyme, dried

green or red leaf lettuce

pumpkin seeds for topping (optional)

Serves 5-6.

Scrub the squashes, cut them in half lengthwise, and slice them ¼ inch thick. Steam them until just tender, but still crisp. In the same way, steam the green peas separately. Once done, rinse the vegetables immediately under cold water and allow to drain for a few minutes in a colander.

Combine the squash and green peas in a large serving bowl along with all the remaining ingredients except the lettuce. Toss well, and if time allows, cover and refrigerate for several hours. Stir occasionally to distribute the dressing.

Just before serving, line a platter with lettuce and top with the vegetable/bean salad and pumpkin seeds.


Broccoli Lima Soup







2 leeks, minced

1 teaspoon unrefined coconut oil

3 cups broccoli florets, using (2) medium crowns

1½ cups cooked lima beans

2-3 cups water or vegetable stock

1 teaspoon thyme

1½ teaspoon tumeric

unrefined sea salt to taste

Serves 4. 

Heat the coconut oil in a medium pot over medium-high heat. Add the leeks and sauté.

Add the broccoli and water or broth. Turn the heat to high. Cook for about 10 minutes.

In a blender, puree the sautéed broccoli stalks and some of the florets and leeks. Add back to the pot.

Add the limas. Season to taste with sea salt.

Continue cooking until limas are heated through and broccoli reaches desired doneness, about 5-10 minutes.


Cream of Mushroom Soup







1 teaspoon unrefined coconut oil

2 medium leeks, diced

1 pound assorted mushrooms,
cut into bite sized pieces

2½ cups coconut milk

1 cup vegetable broth

2 teaspoons dried thyme

unrefined sea salt to taste

Serves 3-4.

In a soup pot, melt coconut oil over medium-high heat. Add leek and sauté. Add assorted mushrooms and sauté for 8-15 minutes until juices are mostly evaporated.

Reserve half of the mushrooms and leeks. Place the other half into a blender and add 1½ cups coconut milk and blend until smooth.

Add the pureed mushrooms/leeks, remaining coconut milk and 1 cup vegetable broth to the pot. Add more broth if soup is too thick for your liking.

Season soup with thyme and salt.

Simmer soup over medium-low heat for 10 minutes.







Almond Blueberry Biscuits



2½ cups almond flour

½ cup arrowroot powder

½ teaspoon unrefined sea salt

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ cup almond butter

¼ cup unrefined extra virgin olive oil

5 tablespoons ground flaxseed
with 6 tablespoons warm water

6 drops Stevia or 2 packs Stevia powder

½ cup chopped almonds

½ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

¾ tablespoon lemon juiced

¼ cup almond milk

Makes 12 biscuits.

Combine almond flour, arrowroot powder, sea salt, and baking soda in a bowl.

In a separate bowl, blend the almond butter, olive oil, soaked flax seed and stevia.

Add wet ingredients into the dry, mix until dough forms.  Add the blueberries, gently mixing and pressing them into the dough. (if using frozen blueberries, be careful not to over mix or you WILL end up with blue biscuits) Chill the dough for about 30 minutes in the fridge.

Form the dough by hand into a biscuit shape 3 inches wide and 1 inch thick.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper then place the biscuits a few inches apart from each other.

Bake at 350°F for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown on the outside.

Serve immediately or freeze and reheat for another day.


Bean and Vegetable Muffins

1½ cups chick peas, rinsed and drained

3 tablespoons ground flax seed
with 9 teaspoons of warm water

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ cup unrefined extra virgin olive oil

¼ cup almond milk

1 cup almond flour

½ teaspoon salt

5 carrots

2 small bananas (or 1 ½ large)

½ teaspoon vanilla

¼ cup or more of stevia or Therasweet (NuStevia)

Makes 12 muffins.

Combine all and mix well.

Place into non-stick muffin tins.

Coat 350°F for about 30 minutes.


Sunshine Smoothie






½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries

1 tablespoons flaxseed oil

2 kale leaves

3 tablespoons Great Northern beans

1 tablespoon almond butter

1 cup almond milk

2-4 drops liquid stevia to sweeten

Makes 1 serving.

Put everything in a high-powered blender and blend.

Dandy Green Blend


2 large handfuls Dandelion Greens
(including stems, ends trimmed)

1 handful parsley

cup black-eyed peas

½ teaspoon rosemary

¼ cup fresh lemon juice

½-¾ cup water

unrefined sea salt to taste


Makes 1 serving.

Put everything in a high-powered blender and blend.



Egyptian Chickpea Breakfast Dish






3 cups chickpeas, cooked, rinsed and drained

½ cup water

½ teaspoon ground cumin

3-4 cloves of garlic, finely minced

3 tablespoons juice of lemons

¼ cup chopped fresh parsley, well-packed

unrefined sea salt to taste

unrefined extra virgin olive oil to taste

Serves 4.

Rinse and drain the chickpeas. Place in a small to medium sized pot. Add the water, cumin, and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat. Cover and simmer about 10 minutes. Remove from heat.

Add in the garlic, lemon juice, and parsley. Mash about half the beans, and make sure everything is well mixed.

Transfer to a serving bowl and drizzle with olive oil.






Hearty Kale Salad



1 large bunch green kale, washed, stems removed,
finely sliced

1 medium carrot, grated

1 onion, thinly sliced

1 large ripe avocado, chopped

1½ cups chickpeas, cooked, rinsed and drained

2 tablespoons unrefined extra virgin olive oil

juice of ½ lemon, or to taste

2 teaspoons dulse seaweed

unrefined sea salt, to taste

1 cucumber, julienned

Makes 4 tapas-size salads.

Layer the kale leaf over leaf on a cutting board and roll, then cut into thin strips. Place the kale in a large bowl and top with remaining ingredients. 

Wash your hands.  Squish the kale and everything else repeatedly between your hands and fingers, ”massaging” the kale to help it soften and to mix all the ingredients to create a smooth and creamy dressing over the kale.

Mold the salad with your hands into four squatty, cylindrical shapes.

Place on individual plates and top with julienned cucumbers.

Coleslaw with Chickpeas

1 small head green cabbage, thinly sliced or shredded

1 medium carrot, grated

1 cup chickpeas, cooked, rinsed and drained

2 tablespoons fresh chives


2 tablespoons grated onion

Juice of 1 lemon, or to taste

1 tablespoon water

1 tablespoon unrefined extra virgin olive oil (optional)

2 teaspoons caraway seed

unrefined sea salt, to taste

Serves 3.

Prepare the vegetables in a medium-sized bowl.

Whisk together the dressing ingredients in a separate small bowl.

Pour the dressing over the cabbage chickpea mixture
and toss.


Chilled Avocado Soup

1 large cucumber, peeled and seeded

2 large ripe avocados

1 onion, roughly chopped

1 pear

2 ½ cup plain almond milk

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice

¼ cup fresh dill, stems removed and diced

¼ cup parsley, thick stems removed and diced

unrefined sea salt to taste

Serves 2-3.

In a blender combine cucumber, avocado, onion,
lemon juice, dill, and parsley. Blend until smooth.

If soup is too thick, add a bit more almond milk.

Keep soup chilled until ready to serve.

Season to taste with sea salt.

Garnish with dill and parsley.

This is the perfect soup to cool you down on a hot summer day!


Hummus with Crunchy Vegetables

2 cups chickpeas, cooked, rinsed and drained

2 tablespoons almond butter or if using a high-speed blender, ½  cup almonds

juice of 3-4 lemons

1 clove garlic minced (optional)

1 teaspoon cumin (optional)

unrefined sea salt to taste

Serves 6-8.

For a very creamy hummus, remove the fibrous shells from the chickpeas by quickly boiling them. The skin will naturally come off.

Mash, purée or process all ingredients in a high speed blender.

Garnish with parsley and drizzle with olive oil.

Serve with crunchy vegetables, such as carrots, celery, cucumber, broccoli, and cauliflower.


Butternut Squash,
Black-eyed Peas, and
Kale Salad
with Cumin Dressing










1 small butternut squash, peeled, seeded,
and cut into 1-inch cubes

3 tablespoons unrefined extra virgin olive oil, divided

unrefined sea salt

1 small bunch kale, tough stems removed and
leaves torn into bite-sized pieces

1 cup black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained

1 tablespoon cumin

cup water

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

Serves 4.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper (or coat with cooking spray).

Toss butternut squash with 1 tablespoon olive oil and salt and pepper. Transfer to baking sheet and roast about 30 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking time.

While squash is baking, place kale in a large bowl. Drizzle with one tablespoon olive oil and season with salt. Using your hands, massage kale leaves until it softens and wilts, about 3-5 minutes. Set aside

Whisk together cumin, water, lemon juice, and remaining tablespoon of olive oil. Add  sea salt.

Toss the kale, butternut squash and black-eyed peas with cumin dressing. Serve.

Grainless Tabbouleh

2 small (3-ounces) peeled beets, cooked

1½ cups chickpeas, cooked

2 garlic cloves

3 scallions

1/4 cup lemon juice

¼ teaspoon unrefined sea salt

1½ cups parsley, chopped

½ pomegranate, seeds (optional)

1 tablespoon unrefined extra virgin olive oil

Serves 4.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Pierce beets with a fork and bake 45-60 minutes. Remove and allow to cool.

Use paper towels to peel off skin. Cut into cubes and set aside.

In a salad bowl, whisk together oil, lemon juice, garlic, sea salt. Add beets, chick peas, parsley, mint, scallions and toss well.

Divide onto serving plates. Top with pomegranate seeds and almonds.


Avocado Hummus





1½ cups chickpeas, rinsed and drained

1 avocado, cubed

juice from ½ of a lemon

1 tablespoon, plus 1 teaspoon
unrefined extra virgin olive oil

½ teaspoon unrefined sea salt

garlic powder to taste

Serves 6-8.

Add ingredients to food processor.

Blend until smooth.

Serve with crunchy vegetables, such as carrots, celery, cucumber, broccoli, and cauliflower.


Mango, Avocado, and Chickpea Dip



1 mango, chopped

2 avocados, chopped

half a small onion, diced

4 cloves of garlic, minced

juice of 6 small lemons

1½ cups chickpeas, chickpeas, rinsed and drained

unrefined sea salt to taste

Serves 4.

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and gently toss to combine. Salt and pepper to taste. Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving


Cabbage and Carrot Salad with Lemon Zest

1 small head Green cabbage

1 carrot, julienned

Small handful chives, thinly chopped

1 tablespoon caraway seeds

1 large clove garlic, minced

The juice of half an lemon, plus 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest

2 tablespoons olive oil

Liquid stevia to taste

Salt to taste

Using a sharp knife (or mandoline or food processor), slice or shred the cabbage into thin strips. Toss the cabbage with the sliced carrots, and chives.

In a small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, lemon zest, minced garlic, olive oil, and stevia. Toss the cabbage mixture with the dressing to coat, Season with salt to taste. Sprinkle caraway seeds over the salad and lightly toss. Serve at room temperature.







Breakfast Granola

1 cup sunflower seeds

¾ cup pecans, divided

½ cup crushed pistachios

¼ cup cacao nibs

¼ teaspoon unrefined sea salt

¼ teaspoon baking soda

¼ cup grapeseed oil

5 drops plain liquid stevia

7 drops chocolate liquid stevia


(Make these into breakfast bars by adding cup sunflower seed butter or pecan butter.)


15 granola servings or 5 breakfast bars.

In a food processor, grind the sunflower seeds,
¼ cup pecans to a bread crumb consistency.

In a small bowl, combine the blended seeds, sea salt and baking soda.

In a larger bowl, combine grapeseed oil and both stevias.

Stir dry ingredients into wet

Mix in ½ cup crushed pecans and pistachios.

Grease an 8 x 8 inch baking dish with grapeseed oil and press the dough into the baking dish

Bake at 350°F for 20 minutes

Let cool, then break into chunks or cut into bars.

Store in a glass container and freeze.

Sprinkle over fruit or have it as the main feature with a non-dairy milk

Chia Peanut Butter Protein Bites





2 teaspoons chia seeds

2 teaspoons water

½ cup ground chia seeds

1 scoop brown rice protein powder

½ cup peanut butter

teaspoon unrefined sea salt

5-10 drops Chocolate liquid Stevia to taste (optional)

Make 24 protein bites.

Soak the 2 teaspoons chia seeds in 2 teaspoons water for 10 minutes.

Grind the 1/2 cup chia seeds in a coffee grinder.

Place all ingredients in a medium bowl and combine well, then roll into balls.

If the mixture feels too dry, add a teaspoon of water and adjust until you reach a rollable dough-like consistency.

Store balls in an air tight container in the freezer for up to two weeks.


Blackberry Chia Energy Bars



(4”x8”) glass bread pan

¼ cup white chia seeds (salba)

¼ cup purfied water

1 cup sunflower seeds, ground

2-3 packets stevia powder

¼ cup brown rice protein powder

teaspoon unrefined sea salt

¼ cup raw cacao powder

juice of (1) fresh lime

¼ cup frozen blackberries, plus 10 more frozen blackberries (halved)

Makes (20) 1x1 inch bars.

Soak chia seeds for 10 minutes in 1/4 cup water.

In a processor, blend sunflower seeds and powdered stevia until totally ground.

Add to the processor, the soaked chia seed, rice protein powder, sea salt, cacao powder and lime juice. Blend to form a dough-like consistency. Then put the dough into a bowl.

Process a 1/4 cup frozen blackberries until broken apart and add to the dough.

Mix well by hand

Mash the dough into the bottom of a glass bread pan, using your hands.

Mash in a frozen blackberry per 1 inch square.

Put in the freezer for 20 minutes

cut into 1-inch squares, keeping the blackberry in the middle of the bar

Serve or freeze the rest.




Crunchy Green Salad


2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

zest of (1) lime

2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

½ teaspoon mustard powder, dried

¼ cup Grapeseed oil

1/8 teaspoon unrefined sea salt

6-8 drops plain stevia liquid, to taste (optional)


2 small head of Romaine lettuce

4 celery stalks, diced

1 medium fennel bulb, trimmed and sliced thinly

1½ cups black beans

(change up the salad by adding mung beans in place
of the black beans and alfalfa sprouts in place of the fennel bulb)

Makes 4 large or 6 side salad servings.

Make the dressing: in the bottom of a large salad bowl, whisk together all dressing ingredients; taste and adjust salt and pepper if necessary.

Make the salad: Add all to the bowl and toss; gently coat with the dressing.


Black Bean Soup with Tahini


2 tablespoons grapeseed oil

3 shallots, chopped

1 teaspoon sesame butter

½ teaspoon oregano

4½ cups black beans

black pepper, to taste

one head of cauliflower (or one bag of frozen cauliflower)

Heat oil in large pot over medium heat.

Add shallots, cook 5 minutes. Stir in tahini and oregano.

Puree one can of black beans, add to pot.

Add last two cans of black beans (do not puree).

Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring often. Add black pepper, to taste.


Cauliflower with Black Beans





2 heads of cauliflower, cut into florets

6 tablespoons grapeseed oil

2 shallots, finely chopped

2 tablespoons capers, rinsed and drained

2 cans rinsed black beans

1 cup fresh oregano, finely chopped

1 cup mint, leaves picked

zest and juice of 1 lime

½ cup crushed pecans

unrefined sea salt and black pepper

Toss the cauliflower in 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and season with a generous amount of salt and pepper.

Place the rest of the oil in a small saucepan with the capers. Heat gently over medium heat for 30 seconds.

Take off the heat immediately and pour the hot oil mixture over the cauliflower.

Combine the cauliflower with the black beans, lime zest, salt, and pepper and mix well.

To serve, squeeze over lime juice and top with oregano, mint leaves, and pecans.


Cauliflower Slaw






6 cauliflower florets, chopped

¼ head napa cabbage,sliced

8 snow peas, julienned

½ daikon radish, shredded

¼ cup crushed pecans

1 tablespoon sesame oil

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

unrefined sea salt to taste

1 teaspoon liquid stevia, or to taste

Serves 2.

Toss vegetables and pecans together.

Mix stevia, sesame oil, apple cider vinegar, and salt together.

Toss everything together. Let marinate for at least 1 hour.


Raw Zucchini Pesto Pasta







4 zucchini, washed

1½  cups black beans, cooked rinsed and drained

6 basil leaves, julienned



1 cup pine nuts

1 cup basil

1 shallot

2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

1 tablespoon, plus 1 teaspoon grapeseed oil

2 tablespoons filtered water


Serves 2-4.

To make pesto, combine the pine nuts, basil, shallot, lime juice, grapeseed oil and water in a high-powered blender or food processor.

Pulse until you get the texture you prefer. You can make the pesto as smooth or chunky as you like.

Julienne or shred the zucchini. Can use a Julienne peeler or spiralizer to speed up this task.

Place “zucchini noodles” and beans into a large bowl. Add the pesto and toss to combine.

Top with basil leaves.



1 small head (green) Napa cabbage

1 carrot, julienned

3-4 green onions, thinly sliced

Small handful of cilantro (8-10 stems), finely diced

1 tablespoon sesame seeds

1 large clove garlic, minced

The juice of half an orange, plus 1 teaspoon grated orange zest

2 tablespoons sesame oil

1/4 cup rice vinegar (unseasoned)

1 teaspoon honey

Salt & pepper, to taste



Using a sharp knife (or mandoline or food processor), slice or shred the cabbage into thin strips. Toss the cabbage with the sliced carrots, green onions, and cilantro.

In a small bowl, whisk together the orange juice, orange zest, minced garlic, sesame oil, rice vinegar, and honey. Toss the cabbage mixture with the dressing to coat, Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Sprinkle sesame seeds over the salad and lightly toss. Serve at room temperature.


Bill’s Salad Dressings


olive oil (2/3) (or other healthy oil  - use oils in general as follows: olive oil, sesame oil, and grape seed oil for cooking or cold, use safflower oil and sunflower oils only for cold)

1/3 lemon juice (or lime juice) or citric acid an water or organic apple cider vinegar, or balsamic vinegar, add garlic, salt and pepper, and tarragon (1/2 teaspoon)    (if allergic to tarragon or want a different taste add basil ½ teaspoon and a very small pinch of oregano)

for a creamy salad dressing --- do above but instead of olive oil (or with less olive oil)--- obtain Grapeseed oil mayonnaise (in refrigerator section of health food store)

for really rich and good for you – can add ½- 1 avocado and blend


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