Bye Bye Coffee?!
For most of us, a morning cup of coffee is the single best thing about waking up in the morning. But did you know drinking too much coffee can sometimes be harmful?
We are not saying stop drinking coffee, however if you are grabbing numerous cups throughout the day, there may be a bigger problem at hand. Taking small breaks from your morning mug can be nerve-wracking, but you may be much better off from it!
Not sure about taking a break from coffee? Here are just some benefits to consider.
Lower Stress
There is plenty of research that shows that caffeine actually increases cortisol levels when you are already stressed. Coffee is like a stress amplifier, if you will. If you are having a stressful day, try to steer clear of coffee.
Better Sleep
Caffeine increases heart rate, so when you are drinking a cup of coffee at night, chances are you won't get the quality sleep your body deserves. You may be able to go to sleep, however you will more than likely have a less restful and deep slumber to restore your body for the next day ahead.
Improved Skin Complexation
Coffee won't directly affect your skin health, however the side effects could do just that. Caffeine causes dehydration. Proper hydration coupled with quality sleep will help your skin, as well as the rest of your body perform better!
Improved Mood
Caffeine can fill your system with jolts of hormones such as dopamine and serotonin. This sounds great, but as the old saying goes "what goes up must come down." Typically after a hormone rush, there is nothing on the tail end helping you ease your way back down. Warning... crash ahead!
Coffee also has a tendency to engage hormones that help you feel stressed, irritable, scared, or even angry. If you feel yourself losing patience too often, coffee may be something you want to reduce sooner than you think.
In the end, should you give up coffee forever? Heavens, NO!
Find a way to drink extra water and ease yourself back off caffeine so on Saturday mornings you find yourself enjoying a nice cup o' joe a little more than usual.