Whether you suffer from anxiety, depression or just feeling out of sorts, these simple, natural remedies may help.
Practice Mindfulness
Anxiety and depression is exhausting. The constant stress that plagues our thoughts wears us down both mentally and physically. Practicing mindfulness techniques is a great form of meditation for those who have difficulty trying to think of nothing or focus on breathing.
Mindfulness is mostly awareness of the moment, the now. Any simple act can be done with mindfulness whether it’s cleaning, showering, breathing, eating, etc. Don’t let your thoughts scatter, be in that moment, aware of everything that is happening and all the sensations you are experiencing.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise releases those feel good triggers called endorphins. You don’t need a gym membership or need to do any extreme exercise routine, just simply going on a walk a few times a week may make a difference in your mood.
Check out these blog articles to get some ideas
Change your diet
Research shows that if you want to change your mood, you have to change your food. Highly processed foods and refined carbohydrates causes inflammation, possibly disrupting chemical receptors in the brain. When you eat a healthy diet, you are providing your body more nutrients from the increased intake of fruits and vegetables. Of which may help you feel better not only physically but mentally as well.
Mood Boosting Foods
- Fatty Fish: Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Dark Chocolate: mood-boosting compounds such as caffeine, theobromine, and N-acylethanolamine.
- Fermented Foods: Most of your body’s serotonin is made by your gut microbiome.
- Bananas: High levels of Vitamin B6 that helps with producing feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
- Berries: Antioxidants may help manage inflammation of which is known to be associated with mood disorders such as depression.
- Nuts and Seeds: Contains tryptophan, an amino acid known to be responsible for producing serotonin.
- Beans and Lentils: Rich in B Vitamins that help regulate mood-boosting neurotransmitters as well as minerals such as zinc, magnesium and iron.
Supplements that may help with Anxiety and Depression
Sometimes, our brains need a little extra boost to keep going and that is where we turn to supplementation. Note that some of these supplements should not be paired with antidepressants or other mood stabilizers so please read the supplement facts carefully and consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
Take Away
While battling anxiety and/or depression is extremely hard work, there are many things you can try out. Talk to your therapist and/or healthcare professional about what other things you can physically do to try to manage your stress.
***This statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not to be used to treat or cure any disease.